GOALS thru 2021
Code of Conduct
We started in 1974 with the mission to conserve trail heads and equestrian arenas around Arizona as the population started booming and the open land began to fill with homes. Sponsored by the City of Scottsdale, a group worked diligently to raise funds and gather materials to construct Scottsdale’s first horse park and arena on ground that had previously been set aside for a police shooting range.
Progress and civilization eventually caught up with us and now 47 years later, we are still focused on providing equine related activities in support of equine enthusiasts. Scottsdale Saddle Club is proud to be known as a place for family fun and education for the horse and rider.
The Scottsdale Saddle Club is an organization of families and individuals desiring to promote horse-related activities for both its members and the `community through service, recreational, social and educational activities SSC strives to provide an environment for equestrian enthusiasts and families to enjoy the outdoors as well as quality equestrian events such as horse shows, gymkhanas, trail rides, and social events (for those who do not ride).
The goal is to emphasize fun, safe responsible horse ownership and family focus for the beginner to the advanced rider. The club focuses on educational activities that benefit our club members and the equestrian community in general.
GOALS FOR 2021 and Beyond
The club hopes to see year over year improvement with more people getting involved and volunteering to help with all activities planned by SSC. This includes seeing continual growth within the following:
Gymkhanas literally means “Games on Horseback.” Horse and riders compete individually and are timed to see how fast they can run through a set pattern of poles, barrels or other obstacles. The fastest time is the winner.
Horse Shows are a judged exhibition of horses and ponies SSC shows consist of a series of different performances, called classes, wherein a group of horses with similar training or characteristics compete against one another for awards.
Trail Rides are organized and SSC members can enjoy riding outdoors on trails, bridle paths, and forest roads, but not on roads regularly used by motorised traffic. A trail ride can be of any length of time but typically SSC trail rides are 2 to 3 hours and intended for all levels of riders.
Drill Team consists of a group of horses and riders performing choreographed maneuvers to music. Teams typically perform at rodeos, horse fairs, parades, benefits, and drill team competitions. Drill teams are intended to entertain, show sportsmanship, horsemanship, teamwork and dedication.
Equine Clinics SSC will bring equestrian professionals to events to present educational topics to the membership in supporting the equestrian community.
The goal is to emphasize fun, safe responsible horse ownership and family focus for the beginner to the advanced rider. The club also hopes to schedule educational activities that benefit our club members.
SSC members who choose to compete in the SSC events earn points towards year-end awards You must participate in a pre-determined number of events and volunteer a predetermined number of hours per event. These awards are presented at our annual Awards Banquet. Points towards year-end awards will not accrue until you are a SSC member and your points only start counting from the day you pay. Events will keep independent ledgers for each of the event areas and year end awards budgets will be determined by the P&L statements per function. ( Gymkhana, Horse Show, Trail Ride, Drill Team)
REVISED January 31,2021
ARTICLE 1 – PROPERTIES Sec. 1 All properties purchased or otherwise obtained shall belong to Scottsdale Saddle Club, Inc. Sec. 2 Inventory needs to be done annually by the Chairpersons and turned in to the Secretary by December 31.
ARTICLE 2 – EXECUTIVE BOARD Sec. 1 The Executive Board shall be comprised of the elected officers and appointed Standing Committee Chairs. Sec. 2 Each member of the Executive Board shall have one vote on all matters requiring a vote. Ad Hoc chairs shall not have Executive Board voting privileges.
ARTICLE 3 – FEES AND DUES Sec. 1 Dues for new members joining the club after October 31st shall be good through the following year. No assessment shall be levied or collected at any time. Sec. 2 The fiscal year will be from January 1st to December 31st.
ARTICLE 4 – MEMBERSHIP Sec. 1 Membership shall consist of families and individuals who are interested in horse activities and horsemanship. Sec. 2 A family consists of husband and/or wife and is inclusive of all family members living at the same address. Sec. 3 The status of family memberships changing due to single members getting married shall not require additional dues until the next calendar year. Sec. 4 Single membership consists of individuals not covered in family membership. Sec. 5 Honorary and life memberships may be approved only by a unanimous vote of the Board. Lifetime may be considered for members who have made long-term outstanding contributions to the club. Sec. 6 Any member going into the armed services shall be retained as a member in good standing with all fees waived until the club’s next calendar year after discharge. Sec. 7 The Board may refuse or revoke membership status only upon reasonable grounds relating to horse activities or inhumane treatment of an animal at any time. Also for any misconduct (foul/abusive language, threatening of another club member, verbal or physical confrontations of one member or board member to another etc.) that reflects negatively in any way upon the club and its members. Please refer to the SSC Code of Conduct. Membership status cannot be denied because of age, race, color, religion or sex Sec. 8 Membership chair shall generate email renewal notices by December 15th for the forthcoming calendar year and are due prior to the first event of the new year. Sec. 9 Individuals or families may join the Club on a temporary basis for a period of one (1) event. Membership will be a nominal fee set by the Board. Temporary members will be eligible to participate as a member in gymkhanas, Trail rides, Horse shows, and other club activities. Temporary members will not accumulate points toward year-end awards for either the Gymkhana or Horse Show. Temporary members will not be eligible to run for a club office nor will they be eligible to vote. Sec. 10 Proceedings may be brought against any member for misconduct that reflects negatively in any way upon the club. Upon charges being presented to the Board in writing, the offending member shall be notified by registered letter of the charges brought and shall be given ten (10) days in which to answer said charges. Said charges are to be heard in a regular or special meeting of the Board and a majority vote required to cause expulsion. Sec. 11 Charges can be brought and membership revoked or refused against any member of the club who is exhibiting inappropriate behavior or has been using abusive language at any stated meeting or social affair. Please refer to the SSC Code of Conduct.
ARTICLE 5 – OFFICERS Sec. 1 The officers of the club shall include a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Additional officers may be authorized by the Board. Sec. 2 Officers must have been members in good standing, and shall serve for a period of one (1) year. This section shall be waived for Charter Officers. Sec. 3 The President shall not succeed himself after serving two (2) full terms in office. However, after one (1) year out of office he/she may hold that position again. Sec. 4 An officer may be removed from office for non-compliance with the Constitution or By-Laws, or by failing to fulfill his/her duties in an efficient, acceptable manner. A warning shall be provided, giving specific factual details of the poor performance, and an opportunity given for the officer to improve his/her performance to an acceptable level and the timeframe to do so. This letter shall be signed by a minimum of three of the other four officers. If acceptable performance is not evident, as demonstrated by objective, factual information, the officer shall receive notice of his/her failings by certified mail and shall have an opportunity to refute the allegations at a board meeting called for this purpose. A quorum of remaining Executive Board members must be present at the meeting. The meeting shall be posted and open to the general membership. The meeting shall be presided over by the highest-ranking officer not subject to removal. After both sides of the issue have been presented, a roll call vote of the remaining Executive Board will be taken to determine if the officer should be removed from office. A majority vote shall decide the issue. The resulting decision will become effective immediately. Sec. 5 A vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by the First Vice-President. Sec. 6 Any officer vacancy, with the exception of the President that occurs during a term will be filled by Executive Board appointment. A majority vote of a quorum of the Executive Board shall be required to appoint a replacement officer. Sec. 7 The term of office for any replacement officer shall be the remainder of the term of the officer replaced.
ARTICLE 6 – COMMITTEE CHAIRS Sec. 1 The Standing Committee Chairs shall include Communications (including Website), Gymkhana, Horse Show, Drill Team, Trail Rides, and Membership. Sec. 2 Ad Hock Chairs (Created for a special purpose and disbanded upon completion) will include; Nominations and Booster Chair and any others as necessary. Sec. 3 Committee Chairs must have been members in good standing for at least five (5) months and shall serve for a period of one (1) year. Committee Chairs shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Board. Sec. 4 A Committee Chair may be removed from office for non-compliance with the Constitution or By-Laws, or by failing to fulfill his/her duties in an efficient, acceptable manner. A warning shall be provided, giving specific factual details of the poor performance, and an opportunity given for the officer to improve his/her performance to an acceptable level and the timeframe to do so. This letter shall be signed by a minimum of three of the officers. If acceptable performance is not evident, as demonstrated by objective, factual information, the Committee Chair shall receive notice of his/her failings by certified mail and shall have an opportunity to refute the allegations at a Board meeting called for this purpose. A quorum of Executive Board members must be present at the meeting. The meeting shall be posted and open to the general membership. The meeting shall be presided over by the President. After both sides of the issue have been presented, a roll call vote of the remaining Executive Board will be taken to determine if the Committee Chair should be removed from office. A majority vote shall decide the issue. The resulting decision will become effective immediately. Sec. 5 A vacancy in any Chair position shall be filled by appointment of a new Chair by Executive Board appointment. A majority vote of a quorum of the Executive Board shall be required to appoint a replacement Chair. Sec. 6 The term of office for any replacement Chair shall be the remainder of the term of the Chair replaced.
ARTICLE 7 – MEETINGS Sec. 1 Regular membership meetings can be held anytime, meeting date and time to be determined by the Board. At least two (2) regular membership meetings shall be held annually. The meeting agenda shall, as a minimum, cover all items listed in Appendix C. Sec. 2 Special membership meetings or board meetings may be called by any Board member. Sec. 3 Only members in good standing shall be eligible to vote. In family memberships, each adult over the age of 18 shall have one (1) vote. Sec. 4 Board meetings may be called by a Board member with notice to all Board members at least one (1) week prior to such meeting. Sec. 5 Board meetings must be attended by a quorum. (Reference Roberts Rules of Order) Sec. 6 Purpose of Meetings to provide, for the contribution of, criticism and input of individual members. Provides an opportunity for social get-together. General business.
ARTICLE 8 – ELECTIONS Sec. 1 A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Board to form a slate of prospective officers. Nominations for officers may be made from the floor at a regular meeting of the club, or in writing. Sec. 2 Nominations shall be held in October. The Nominating Committee will email ballots by November 1. The ballots must be received back by November 21. Terms of office shall be from January 1 through December 31. Sec. 3 Eligible voters are as specified in Article 7, Section 3. Sec. 4 The officers shall be installed at the regular December meeting or at the Awards Banquet of the club depending on when the banquet will be held. The term of office for all officers shall be the calendar year. The retiring President shall preside and shall install the newly elected officers as the concluding act of his/her administration. Sec. 5 Any vacancies in other offices of the board shall be filled for the unexpired term by an appointment by the board for the remainder of the term. ARTICLE 9 – DUTIES OF OFFICERS Sec. 1 Duties of the Officers of the club are as listed in Appendix A, and such other duties, which may be designated from time to time by the Board. The duties of the Committee Chairs shall be as listed in Appendix B. Sec. 2 The Board shall have the power to settle all member disputes and direct the management of the club at its regular meetings and in case of emergency. Sec. 3 The Treasurer shall be supplied with a bond paid for by the club. Sec. 4 Any Board member finding it necessary to miss three (3) consecutive regularly scheduled Board meetings shall be subject to removal from office in accordance with Article 5, Section 4.
ARTICLE 10 – CONTRACTING AND SECURING Sec. 1 The Board may contract for building materials and any other needs of the club. The Board may secure supplies and all other materials for club activities through regular or special channels. No purchase shall be made in the name of the club by any person without approval of the Board. Sec. 2 Any person or committee delegated to carry out any club project shall keep accurate records of any monies spent or collected. A detailed report shall be submitted upon culmination of the project. The report shall be presented to the Board. The SSC bank accounts will have debit cards assigned to the Gyhmkana and Horse Show VP’s and all SSC expenses that can be should be made on those debit cards. Items over $100 require authorization of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 11 – INDEBTEDNESS Sec. 1 The highest amount of indebtedness or liability, direct or contingent, to which the club may at any time subject itself, is $4,000.00. Each year the club will utilize its membership fees to cover the club insurance and other group obligations.
ARTICLE 12 – DISSOLUTION Sec. 1 In case of dissolution of the club, being voted at a membership meeting, no property or money belonging to the club shall be distributed to, or inure to the benefit of any member, but shall be donated to a charity designated by a majority vote in a membership meeting. All members in good standing shall be notified at least four (4) weeks in advance of the meeting by a registered letter stating the purpose of the meeting.
ARTICLE 13 – TABLING Sec. 1 No matter properly brought before the club for discussion shall be tabled for more than one (1) meeting, action on same to be brought up at the next stated business meeting. Otherwise, all meetings shall follow Roberts Rules of Order in conducting meetings.
ARTICLE 14 – AMENDMENTS Sec. 1 Additions or revisions to these By-Laws can be made by a majority vote at any membership meeting, and must be read at two (2) membership meetings before they are adopted, or by mailed ballot, provided that the amendments be in writing and printed. Amendments shall be approved at the Article and Section level, and are not approved as “all or none.”
ARTICLE 15 – FINANCIAL REPORT Sec. 1 All financial reports shall be done in established standard procedure and carried forth from year to year. The calendar year shall be used for financial reports.
PRESIDENT Preside over all SSC activities. Schedule, organize and run Board meetings and General Membership meetings. Post meeting notices as required, and prepare written meeting agenda. Authorize other members to carry out specified duties. Appoint committees when needed to look after the interests of the club. Keep track of dates for different events. Attend Board meetings. Attend SSC functions. Represent the club’s interests and promote the club whenever and wherever possible. Advocate club goals.
FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Ad Hoc member of Gymkhana Committee. Board liaison to Gymkhana Chair. Assist the President when needed. Assume President’s responsibilities and area of authority when President is absent. Attend Board meetings. Attend SSC functions. Represent the SSC’s interests and promote the clubs goals.
SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT Ad Hoc member of Horse Show Committee. Board liaison to Horse Show Chair. Assist the President and the first Vice-President. Attend Board meetings. Attend SSC functions Represent the SSC’s interests and promote the club whenever and wherever possible. Advocate club goals.
SECRETARY Record in a book or shared document, and present if requested, the minutes of all Board meetings and General Membership meetings. Maintain club historical records. Handle written correspondence involving club business or functions. Handle social correspondence as needed. Attend Board meetings. Attend SSC function. Represent the SSC’s interests and promote the club whenever and wherever possible. Advocate club goals.
TREASURER Keep financial record of the club’s income and expenses. Pay bills and distribute funds as needed, with authorization by the board. Prepare financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement) at the end of each year. Prepare budgets for the next coming year. Send the Arizona Corporation Commission Certificate of Disclosure by April 15th and have a copy delivered to the Club President. Attend Board meetings. Attend SSC functions. Represent the SSC’s interests and promote the club whenever and wherever possible. Advocate club goals.
COMMUNICATIONS, Website, Social Media Compile, edit, and circulate monthly SSC Newsletter/Updates and maintain SSC website to members of the club through various communications channels. Circulate business notices, special announcements, and other information to membership, via e-mail, as needed. Attend Board meetings when possible. Attend SSC functions. Represent the club’s interests and promote the club whenever and wherever possible. Advocate club goals.
MEMBERSHIP Compile and keep current a detailed list of SSC members including lifetime members. Assist with memberships at first 2 events (each discipline) Distribute membership forms to each committee chair for their events. Provide a current list of members to the president, communications, drill team, horse show and gymkhana chairs. The membership chair shall generate email renewal notices by December 15th for the forthcoming calendar year, prior to the first event of the new year.
GYMKHANA Schedule, organize, and oversee gymkhanas (date, time, location). Publicize the event Create list of gymkhana duties to ensure smooth operations (volunteer sign-in sheet, sign-up desk, judge, gate, pattern set-up, time keeper, ribbon writer, and announcer). Secure assistance to fulfill duties. Order ribbons, trophies, prizes, and equipment, as needed. Maintain gymkhana equipment. Generate paperwork needed for gymkhanas, including pattern sheets, sign-up sheets, entry form, point tally, etc. Maintain balance sheets to account for gymkhana funds/deposits. Prepare a detailed report of each gymkhana to be presented at the next coming board meeting. Write a summary of the event for the newsletter. Arrange and prepare for year-end gymkhana awards. Attend Board meetings when possible. Attend SSC functions Represent the club’s interests and promote the club whenever and wherever possible. Advocate club goals.
HORSE SHOW Schedule, organize and oversee horse shows (date, time, location). Publicize the event. Create list of horse show duties to ensure smooth operations (volunteer sign-in sheet, sign-up desk, judges, gate, ring steward, ribbon writer/runner, and announcer). Have checks ready for the judges. Secure assistance to fulfill duties. Order ribbons, trophies, prizes, and equipment, as needed. Maintain horse show equipment. Generate paperwork needed for horse shows, including sign-up sheets, entry forms point tally, etc. Maintain balance sheets to account for horse show funds/deposits. Prepare a detailed report of each horse show to be presented at the next Board meeting. Write a summary of the event for the newsletter. Arrange and prepare for year-end horse show awards. Attend Board meetings when possible. Attend SSC functions Represent the club’s interests and promote the club whenever and wherever possible. Advocate club goals.
DRILL TEAM Schedule, organize and oversee drill team practices and demonstrations. Order/create drill team equipment. Maintain drill team equipment. Generate paperwork needed for drill team and parade entries. Attend Board meetings when possible. Attend SSC functions Represent the club’s interests and promote the club whenever and wherever possible. Advocate club goals.
TRAIL RIDES Schedule, organize and oversee trail rides (time, date and location). Publicize the event in the newsletter. Prepare reports to Board on trail rides and potential trails. Make the preparations for the event: Emergency equipment that might be needed For a cookout; organize who brings what Have a sign-up list ready for the riders Write a summary of the event for the newsletter. Attend Board meetings when possible. Attend SSC functions Represent the club’s interests and promote the club whenever and wherever possible. Advocate club goals.
BOOSTER Arrange facility, food and decorations for identified social events, including the Year-End Awards Banquet. Oversee sale of event tickets. Maintain balance sheet of ticket sales and proceeds. Provide treasurer with an event financial report (with deposit slips, invoices, etc.) Attend Board meetings when possible. Attend SSC functions Represent the club’s interests and promote the club whenever and wherever possible. Advocated club goals.
APPENDIX C STANDING AGENDA Call to order. Old business. Reports from: President; First Vice-President Second Vice-President; Secretary; Treasurer ; Gymkhana Chairperson ;Horse Show Chairperson ;Drill Team Chairperson’ Trail Rides Chairperson ;Communications/Webiste/Social Media and Other special Ad Hoc Committees (nominations, etc.) New business: Mail Upcoming events, etc. Questions or Open Discussion Adjourn
Code of Conduct:
1) Work cooperatively with other SSC participants, youth, volunteers, families, park and staff members, board members and all others in a courteous / respectful manner.
2) Know and obey the local laws as well as the laws of the state and federal government.
3) Any person, adult or youth, while participating in SSC activities also agrees to refrain from the use of any alcohol and illegal drugs/substances at SSC events.
4) Present appropriate model in dress, manners, conduct, appearance, language and actions during all SSC events.
5) Use respect and care for all property used. Charges will be assessed for any misuse or damage.
6) Know and follow the rules before event begins.
7) This Code of Conduct shall be enforced by the Board of Directors. Those who find themselves unable to conduct themselves within these guidelines will be expected: a) To explain their actions to those in charge. b) To accept the consequences of their actions. c) To have the board implement payment for damages, dismissal from the event and/or dismissal from the club.