This virtual no-bling, three-show series runs from June 1st, 2024, to August 31st, 2024. A Scottsdale Saddle Club membership is not required to participate in this virtual horse show series. However, points earned will go towards every member's year-end totals!
We will be awarding a Summer Series Super Horse Youth and Adult!
The super horse award goes to the horse and rider team who accumulate the most points throughout the Summer Series. It must be the same horse and rider in each class or those points will not count towards your total. Any class that you are allowed to enter (based on your eligibility) counts and we will have two winners. One youth and one adult will win (youth is anyone 18 and under).
Click here to submit your entries for each show! Entries are complete once your Square Invoice is paid!!!
Please review these rules before your first horse show of every year.
Here are the points for the Summer Series - Keep an eye on those budkle standings!
Here are the high-point results for each division!
Here are the class results for each division!
Do not film into the sun.
If the judges cannot see your maneuvers, they cannot be scored.
Film each video horizontally.