EFFECTIVE February 1st, 2025
These are the common rules that keep our shows safe. If a rule is not listed here, please consult the AQHA Handbook for guidance.
Goals & Objectives:
1. Have fun.
2. Learn and grow your equestrian skills.
3. Build a bond with your horse.
4. Celebrate your accomplishments and those around you!
5. Develop friendships.
6. Be role models for our future riders.
Somewhere in the arena or on the show grounds, there is a little kid that wants to be just like you someday. You owe it to them to be the best you can be.
Conduct & Safety:
1. Helmets are required to be worn by all youth riders 17 years of age and under.
· Parents/Guardians may approve of their child(ren) to wear western hats in the western and ranch classes. (Will require a form to be physically signed by the parent/guardian once at the first show attended by the youth rider each year).
2. Any unsportsmanlike conduct, abuse or inappropriate behavior will cause an exhibitor to be dismissed by the judge, Horse Show Chairman or any member of the SSC Board of Directors.
3. Any horse may be excused for lameness or for posing a danger to other horses and exhibitors by the judge, Horse Show Chairman or any member of the SSC Board of Directors.
4. It is recommended horses not be tied to the arena rails however, if a horse is tied, it is the exhibitors responsibility to ensure the area the horse is tied is safe to the horse and others.
Entry Fees:
1. Online entries must be submitted by 8 PM the night before the horse show. Any online entries submitted after 8 PM may not be processed and will require the exhibitor to sign up in-person.
2. Once entries are paid, there are no refunds.
3. If an exhibitor pays by check and the check does not clear at deposit, the exhibitor must pay their past show balance and any SSC accrued bank fees in full before they are permitted to show in any future SSC events.
Substituting Horses:
1. Non-members and members not earning points towards year-end can show any horse at any show with zero conflicts.
2. Members who are earning points toward year-end must show on the same horse for the full year.
· We understand that situations may arise where an exhibitor is not able to show their normal horse at a show or multiple shows. Exhibitors are permitted to substitute their main horse with one other horse.
· Exhibitors in the Lead Line classes and EWD classes DO NOT need to observe these rules as horses in those classes are often not owned by the exhibitor.
· If an exhibitor needs to substitute their “substitute horse” for another horse (horse #3), this must be approved by Horse Show staff. Otherwise, a second substitution will result in any points earned on horse #3 no longer counting towards year-end for the main horse. The points earned will only count under the new rider and horse team.
Show Etiquette and Grievances:
Add/Scratches for classes:
1. Please provide any class adds to the Horse Show staff prior to class start
2. Please notify the Gate Caller, Ring Steward and/or the Horse Show staff of scratches as soon as possible
Class Etiquette:
1. All questions concerning patterns should be addressed prior to the start of the class with the Horse Show staff or judges
2. It is the exhibitor's responsibility to understand where he/she should be at the time of his/her class. A 2-minute gate call will be announced, once those two minutes have expired, the class will begin and no additional horses will be permitted to enter the class.
3. If a horse becomes uncontrollable or dangerous to the other exhibitors, the exhibitor must remove him/herself from the class. That includes standing in the center of the arena or completely removing the horse from the show arena. If the rider does not act first, the judge, ring steward or Horse Show staff are permitted to request/ensure the horse is removed from the class for the safety of others.
4. Interrupting the judge during a class or the show is not acceptable. This pertains to exhibitors, coaches, trainers and spectators. If the judge is open to providing feedback, they will inform competitors themselves.
5. Coaching/Feedback must be given quietly as it can be distracting to the other exhibitors.
Tack Changes:
1. If a tack change is needed that will require an extended amount of time before an exhibitor can go into his/her next class, the exhibitor must notify the Horse Show staff one class prior to the tack change needed. As a courtesy to all other exhibitors, please have those items arena side and ready for change.
· EX: If you are in class 38 which is a Ranch class and you need a tack change to swap to your English attire and tack, you or a member of your party must notify the Horse Show Chair prior to the start of class 38 so it can be communicated properly. The more notice we have, the better we can accommodate any and all exhibitor needs.
Showground Etiquette:
1. Outside any arena, all horses must be walking only. No horses are permitted to be trotting, jogging or loping outside of the arena gates.
2. No horses are allowed in the bleacher area, near the announcer's stand or at the registration area.
3. Pop-up tents must be securely installed at your trailer area. Pop-up tents and oversized umbrellas are not permitted on the bleachers or near the show arenas, unless approved by the SSC Horse Show staff.
4. Dogs must be on leash at all times.
1. Any grievance must be submitted in writing before the end of the horse show and may not be discussed at the announcer's stand, registration booth or in the show arena but with show management directly away from other exhibitors.
Ribbons/Point Cards:
1. 1st through 6th place ribbons are awarded per judge OR
2. You may choose a Ribbon Point card per judge to use for future entry fees at any SSC event.
· Lost or stolen ribbons/ribbon points cards will not be replaced by SSC.
· Point Cards Earnings:
· 2 cards for any 1st placings
· 1 card for all other placings (2nd -6th)
Daily High Point Qualifications:
1. Exhibitors must show in at least 50% of the classes offered for the division. A membership is not required to earn daily high point awards.
· EX: If a division has 5 classes, exhibitors must show in 3 classes in that day
· EX: If a division has 4 classes, exhibitors must show in 2 classes in that day
· Unsure of how many classes are needed to be eligible? Check with the Horse Show Chairman or staff in the morning at check-in and make sure you have enough classes in each division.
Age Divisions Eligibility:
1. The age of the exhibitor as of January 1st will determine the age group for each year.
2. Show management will determine any other eligibility issues.
Year-End Awards Eligibility Qualifications:
1. Show under at least 50% of our judges during the in-person season for each division the exhibitor is looking to earn year-end points for.
· Exhibitors who show under less than 50% of our in-person judges but show in the summer series will not qualify for year-end awards. The exhibitor must show under 50% of our in-person judges plus the summer series to qualify for year end.
· Double Judged shows do not count as two shows. It counts as one show under two judges and allows exhibitors the potential to earn double the points in one event.
· The summer series is designed to supplement year-end points if an exhibitor misses an in-person show and would like the opportunity to make up any points. As well as, keep riders moving during the summer months and grow the bond between his/her horse.
2. Must be a member of Scottsdale Saddle Club
· Points do not start counting towards year-end until a signed membership form is presented to the Horse Show Chair or a SSC board member and the membership has been paid for in full..
· Be a Scottsdale Saddle Club member in good standing
3. Work a minimum of one hour of volunteer time at each show you show in OR purchase a volunteer sponsorship prior to March 31st
· If an exhibitor is behind on hours, a maximum of two hours may be worked in one show, unless more are approved by the Horse Show staff
· Exhibitors are expected to work their own volunteer hours. However, exhibitors can have a member of his/her barn to complete volunteer hours in his/her place. This must be documented at the show. Horse show hours cannot be gifted to other exhibitors after the show has passed.
· Volunteer hours served at or for other SSC events cannot be traded for hours needed at horse shows unless approved by the Horse Show chair prior to the hours being fulfilled.
Year-End Divisions for SSC Horse Shows:
Our year-end divisions are as follows:
· Lead line – 7 and Under
· EWD (Equestrians with Disabilities) – All Ages
· In-Hand (All horse breeds/ages) – All Ages
· Western Walk/Jog Rookie
· English Walk/Trot Rookie
· Ranch Walk/Trot Rookie
· Western Walk/Jog Open
· English Walk/Trot Open
· Ranch Walk/Trot Open
· Western 3 Gaited 18 and Under
· English 3 Gaited 18 and Under
· Ranch 3 Gaited 18 and Under
· Western 3 Gaited 19 and Over
· English 3 Gaited 19 and Over
· Ranch 3 Gaited 19 and Over
· Western 3 Gaited OPEN
· English 3 Gaited OPEN
· Ranch 3 Gaited OPEN
Horse and Exhibitor Year-End Qualifications:
1. Year-End Awards are based on a horse & exhibitor team for the year.
· We understand things happen and with appropriate documentation and approval from the Horse Show Chair, exceptions will be managed appropriately.
· See the Horse Substitutions section for clarification.
· If an exhibitor asks anyone else outside of the Horse Show chair, the request is not final and is subject to be declined.
2. In place of All-Around awards, we are now offering year end awards titled "Horse of the Year" and "Super Horse". Details for each award are below.
· Horse of the Year - The horse of the year award goes to the horse who has accumulated the most points. This horse might be shared between riders or even participate in multiple disciplines.
· Super Horse - The super horse award goes to the horse and rider team who accumulate the most points throughout the year. It must be the same horse and rider in each class or those points will not count towards your total. Any class that you are allowed to enter (based on your eligibility) counts and we will have two winners. One youth and one adult will win (youth is anyone 18 and under).
Classes and Patterns:
1. Patterns are posted 7-30 days ahead of the next show, exhibitors have 24 hours to address any concerns after the patterns have been posted. After, 24 hours, the patterns are considered final unless changed by horse show staff.
2. Classes with less than 15 exhibitors will be placed to 6th place. Classes with 15+ exhibitors will be placed until 9th.
3. If rail classes have 16+ riders the class will be split and judged separately.
4. Rail classes may include the following gates:
· Walk/Walk with purpose
· Jog/Extended Jog
· Trot/Sitting Trot/Posting Trot
· Lope/Extended Lope
· Canter/Hand gallop
· Rollback
· Back
· Halt/Stop
5. Once placings for a class have been announced, all exhibitors must exit the arena.
1. If an exhibitor enters in the Halter geldings or Halter mares class, the points accrued in that class will count for the daily and year-end high point calculations.
2. Each exhibitor must designate the division they want their halter points to go towards on their entry form at the beginning of the show. Eligible divisions are all divisions except Ranch as they have their own confirmation class.
3. Any exhibitor that shows in the Ranch Confirmation class must designate which Ranch division they want their points counted towards on their entry form prior to competition.
1. Exhibitors may show in either English or Western attire for the showmanship class. If an exhibitor shows in English attire, their points for the class will count towards the English division for daily and year end high points. The same applies for Western attire. Showmanship points do not count in the Ranch divisions.
· Please indicate on your entry form which division you intend to use your Showmanship class points for
2. Spurs are not permitted while performing a Showmanship pattern. Exhibitors will be asked to remove their spurs prior to entering the show arena for patten.
3. There is no touching or guiding horses in showmanship.
1. Age 7 and Under unless 8+ years of ages been approved by Horse Show staff
2. Must be led by an adult handler (18 & Over)
EWD (Equestrians with Disabilities):
1. Any age may participate, designed for riders with either physical or mental disabilities
2. Must be led by an adult handler (18 & Over)
3. Adaptations to patterns can be made with Horse Show Chairman or SSC Board approval prior to the start of the class. To request this, please have the trainer/instructor make the request directly to ensure the needs are properly communicated to all important parties.
Walk/Trot OR Walk/Jog Rookie*:
1. If you are showing for year-end awards in the Rookie* divisions at SSC, you cannot show in any 3-gaited divisions at SSC or any other show or discipline including gymkhanas and rodeos. The Rookie* divisions are designed to be a stepping stone for young children/novice adults new to horse shows and do not know how to lope their horse or cannot lope their horse with control.
2. Exhibitors who win year-end Champion or Reserve Champion in a Rookie Division must move out of the Rookie classes in that division. Walk/Trot or Walk/Jog all ages is an acceptable division to move into.
3. Rookie classes are based on the RIDER, not the horse. If the horse being shown has won different titles or events with other riders, that is ok! The exhibitor needs to not be competing in any 3 gaited classes and cannot have won buckles/year-end awards for that division at any other shows/show series.
4. Exhibitors may show in Rookie classes for one division and other classes for a different division.
· EX: Rider/horse duo are experienced at showing Western classes and show W/J All Ages/3 Gaited regularly at other shows. Rider/horse duo want to try out English classes and have very limited experience with it. Rider/horse duo are allowed to enter the W/T Rookie division for ENGLISH CLASSES ONLY.
5. Any questions on an exhibitors eligibility for Rookie classes/divisions should be directed to the Horse Show Chairman or SSC Board Members. All issues and questions regarding eligibility need to be resolved prior to the start of each show. Final determination on eligibility is made by the Horse Show Chair.
6. The Walk/Trot or Walk/Jog Open classes are designed as an “open class” for anyone. Exhibitors may cross enter into Walk/Jog/Lope OR Walk/Trot/Canter classes.
7. Should an exhibitor decide to level up to the walk/trot/canter OR walk/jog/lope divisions during the show season, any points earned for any other divisions do not carry over. The minimum show attendance and volunteer hours worked can carry over.
Horsemanship and Equitation:
1. All Horsemanship and Equitation classes will have a pattern at each show. Rail work in these classes will be at the discretion of the judge. Therefore, an exhibitor will be permitted to only show/school one horse in these classes at in-person shows.
English and Western Trail:
1. Exhibitors have two opportunities to perform a maneuver. If an exhibitor cannot perform the maneuver after two attempts, the exhibitor will be asked to move on.
2. Any time during a trail pattern, the judge has the discretion to ask an exhibitor to stop performing a maneuver if the judge deems the situation to be unsafe to the horse, exhibitor or others in the surrounding area
1. Please note on your show entry you are schooling.
2. Do not wear a number in the class.
3. Schooling horses need to adhere to gates being called in the class.
4. Schooling riders must still dress appropriately for the show, correct footwear and appropriate attire.
Equipment/Support tools:
1. No training tools including martingales, training forks, ties downs, draw reins will be permitted in the show arena. The AQHA rule book should be consulted if you have any questions.
2. Snaffle bits may be used on any horse of any age, provided it is ridden in correctly (split reins and two handed)
3. Shanked bits must be ridden single handed or with romels.
4. For ranch classes sport boots, splint boots and skid boots are approved.
5. Support tools such as bell boots and/or all other therapeutic tools will require a vets note to be shown in.
· Please provide vet notes prior to the show date and ensure you notate these requirements on your entry form to make the day easier
Show Attire:
Western/Ranch Attire:
1. Western hat or helmet
2. Western exhibitors must wear a long-sleeved western type shirt with a collar.
3. Western boots are required. All boots must have a 1/2" or greater heel.
4. No spurs in Showmanship.
English Attire:
1. English exhibitors must wear helmets (17 & Under) or hunt caps (Adults) at all times. Exhibitors will not be permitted into the show arena without a helmet or hunt cap.
2. Long sleeve shirt with a jacket is the preferred attire however, collared short-sleeve/polos) for summer shows are acceptable.
3. Leather tall boots or half chaps with paddock boots are acceptable
4. No English spurs in Showmanship.
1. SSC asks judges from all disciplines and breeds to judge our shows. This allows our exhibitors to receive a wide variety of feedback and helps eliminate breed specific bias.
2. Judges are providing their opinion of a particular performance, opinions will vary. Please be courteous to your judges. We are appreciative of the time and effort they make to support our horse shows. Any disrespectful behavior towards the judge will not be tolerated. You have paid for this opinion, please keep that in mind.
3. Judges may discuss feedback with riders at their discretion post results.